According to astrology and horoscope lovers, 2010 was a year of change for Libras like me, and supposedly 2011 will keep walking in that path. I don't know if I really believe predictions but personally my life seems to have taken a position on that wheel of fortune. Spinning randomly and chaotically. It feels like the beginning of the year was a decade ago. I don't know if it really is a "new" year or are we as humans just playing with numbers, I mean we have so many different new years, Chinese, Muslim, Persian,etc, which one marks the beginning?
Let our scars fall in love- Galway Kinnell

Thursday, December 30, 2010
good riddance 2010? or not?
According to astrology and horoscope lovers, 2010 was a year of change for Libras like me, and supposedly 2011 will keep walking in that path. I don't know if I really believe predictions but personally my life seems to have taken a position on that wheel of fortune. Spinning randomly and chaotically. It feels like the beginning of the year was a decade ago. I don't know if it really is a "new" year or are we as humans just playing with numbers, I mean we have so many different new years, Chinese, Muslim, Persian,etc, which one marks the beginning?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Feeling like an Eve
It’s unfortunate that they say its not right. Rocking on this chair, pretending to pretend, rocking away.
Holding them in, too precious to shed. No tears from a king. I am a king, a soldier, a night-time lonely watcher. Surrounded by it all, security around the clock. Still thinking about the forbidden, the impossible, the unfortunate. Oh damn, security breach. I know I will be okay. I told you I’m a soldier. I’ll shoot you. Leap over your dead body and walk away. If only…I was a soldier. It’s my fault. I never forget the rules, so why am I stranded on an illegal border now. I want to go home, but what is home, where is it, I don’t know anymore. I need help. Can I go back to who I was before? I crossed the line, and lost the way back. Because you’re the fruit I always wanted. Your shoulder was built for me. I've heard them say, I've been warned, don't touch what you cant grab, dont reach for what you cant have. But I just want you to know that my heart is a rebel, it doesn't play by the rules, so save your guidelines, let it be. No language or religion. Does it really matter? Why do you have to go and put titles, labels, pick up the red highlighter and emphasize our differences? What am i saying, they don’t understand. My pain they won’t comprehend. Yes, I’m forever changed. No longer in denial. Your face is haunting me. I want to go back and do things differently, but I can't be thinking this way. I wish I never came home to you that day. I should’ve stayed with my friends. The butterfly effect. Damn that horrible beautiful butterfly. Casually landed on my palm, caught me off-guard and I knew I wouldn’t be the same again. Greatness is what we feared; I know our bond would’ve blown me away. So we run away now, escape with what we can still save. Because the love is not enough, and the pain is just too rough. You opened the door so easily, now everytime I close my eyes, even if it’s just to blink, in my head I see your face, looking at me, you're there, now you're not, you're here, it was light, now I open my eyes and its just dark.Friday, November 19, 2010
Every day

Days intertwined. Together or apart, blended, two lives merged way from the start.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010
Mirror mirror on the wall.

Today. Yesterday. Tomorrow. What I do is between me and my god. It plays with the strings of my being. A solo song fueled with guilt, blasting with regret. So naive..i blame thee.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
we will be beautiful

I used to be a talented sleeper. I recall a time when sleep was sacred. I miss those times, yet i can barely remember how beautiful it is to rest your head, and forget. But I've found a new way to wipe things off lately. Tunes. Beats. Sounds that accelerate my being. Once I set on a trance expedition, I'm a determined, and faithful part of it. The gift of music. I'm a big fan of talent. Name it, if you've got it, I bow to it. I stand with pressed lips to the music gods. I'm not saying its easy to please the eye, but lets not underestimate the ear. It's hard to exhilarate.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Where? what did you say?

Technology is way ahead of us. I swear the faster we learn how to fly things over continents whether its messages,emoticons, or ourselves, the harder it is for our minds to wrap itself around it. We think we understand but we don't. Oh my god we are so confused. Switching weather. Changing faces. Switching language, ideology, or simply the air..the whole process is just under-rated. I'm tangled and intertwined between two very different lives. Trying to figure out which one is the truth and which one is the trick. There has to be a trick. I feel like my life has expanded over the Atlantic, but I'm actually back here now. And it doesn't make sense. So which one is the trick? and the thing is .. even the life we were used to has changed. Some have grown up, some apart. Some of us have gone crazy and some have become best friends with things they're trying everyday. Some of us never want to come back. They cant come back. Because the atmosphere is unusual..unfamiliar, not the same. Mixed with new bodies, and new souls...some are just bodies without souls..the atmosphere..doesnt feel right..and you wonder why they never want to come back. Its harder for those who left.. who put the past behind them and walked away.. you cant expect me to understand because i don't know when it exactly happened..when did it go away, when did the tables spin.. and how did i miss it.. just please remind me...where the hell am i now?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Caught up.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Take me away

I’m sitting on the bed, wearing her top and smelling like her, ready to go , just waiting for her to stop looking at herself in the mirror. I watch her go through the same cycle..dressed, undressed, and dressed again. We play the usual game: Music in the background, wine in our hands, the do I look fat?followed by the of course nots..watching our cheeks turn rosy, our visions get blurry, and our laughs go louder. Forgetting about our insecurities, our doubts, our fears, just for now..Its me and her. Heels on, tops down, and we’re out.
I wake up with a familiar headache, it bothers me no more, it just reminds me of another great night we spent together. Going through the pictures on my camera, thinking to myself how the hell did this happen?
Surrounded and consumed. Consumed by the people in my life that’s how it has always been, and I struggle. I struggle because I didn’t plan this, I could’ve sworn I was content, satisfied, done with adding people to my contact list. I fight so hard to keep each encounter formal..nice meeting you too, and then we’d part. But we were not meant to part.
Wasting hours together, doing nothing but being together, and I drift to the future..always a bad idea, I learned not to expect, not to wish or doesn’t work by an agenda..but somehow, don’t ask me how, she’s going to be there. She’s been stabbed before, managed to recover, but their will always be a fracture in her spine, forever ruptured. Her beauty lies in her fragility. Its hard for her to trust, and I just want to teach her again. I want her to see herself through my eyes.. see the beauty of her soul, and the generosity of her heart.
I look at myself and I see a part of her in me. We barely argue, we never fight, we’re on the same level, and how on earth did that happen? She broke my independence, shattered it to pieces, but I like it this way. She can take whatever she wants, because she’s the sister I never had. So I let her invade my personal space, because for the first time it feels mutual, it’s a reciprocal bond. I’m the arm that holds her when she cries, so that I don’t cry myself. I’m the glass she taps because I too am looking for happiness and I find it when I’m around her.
I’m halfway through my third glass of water, waiting for her to come over, so we can play our little games again, so we can hide in each other’s arms, so we can forget about him and her, so we can restore some of the innocence they stole. Waiting for her to come, song stuck in my head, and it cries out to me “if you should die before me, please ask if you could bring a friend”..
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wash me away with every passing day
Age is just a variable. Growing up is not about wrinkles, turning legal, graduating, paying your first bill, nor driving your first car. It’s much simpler than that. It all comes down to those moments. Certain moments..Heart gripping moments that rip your innocence away...moments, that rock your existence, rid you from the purity of your slate. Moments, and after they pass, even though you might still look the same, you are forever changed. You wont miss them, you’ll know when they come. Its a rebirth, a new era, where touch, color, smell and pain feel so different. Life has placed you on a new page, flipping back is impossible. But now you want to go back, you dont like change..You try to go back; you lie to yourself, you front, push it to the back of your head, ignore, avoid, pretend, and pay the price, Because you never appreciated the peace of mind you had..the serenity, the calm.. and the silence. Looking into the mirror, staring into strangers eyes, thinking to myself.. why were we in such a rush?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I am not here.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Forwarded letters....

One eye open..closed again. It's dark..she missed the light once more. Keeping them closed, vodka still burning her throat.. not ready to face that she's been in bed for so long. In and out of reality, not willing to remember what happened last night. In and out of reality. Regret..self loathing..fighting every pressing urge to scream to run away.. because she's not the same, and she hates that. She knows what they're saying..but she wont answer them back. They're right, she's different..she wants to blame it on him.. the one who made her forget about the tragedy she relives everyday at home. The innocence she lost so early, she wishes she could get back. But he broke her. She's been through it all.. the cynical playlists she knows them by heart.. she can't listen anymore.. it wont change the fact that he's gone. He broke her.. so she broke others in return. Each one of them is different she knows.. she just wanted to have fun. They saw the light in her eyes, the sun in her smile..but she saw nothing but mediocrity. She learned all the tricks. Never underestimate the power of a deceiving smile. She's over the past, but it still lives in her today.. not many can see it. But he surprised her, because reading into her was a breeze. He's been broken before..he's just like her. Been through it all, tore away the flesh from his bones, he's just like her. But they don't see it. Born in despair, made of flaws, stitched together with good intentions. The passion is overwhelming, it's perfect, better than what she pictured it to be. Started as a mistake, a rendezvous.. one of his game..she played along. She knows he'll eventually do what they all did.. take her heart out and step on whats left of it, burn the ashes of her heart into dust..because he too doesn't see the good no more. Why would she be different. Why would she change. She wants to change.. waiting on a cue from him.. a sign that tells her to push the weight of her shoulders and live again. No messages on her phone, losing all hope in hope.. shutting her eyes once more. Pressing them she's not ready at all.. to see the light.
Monday, March 29, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Going back..but not really
Bullet to the world