Days intertwined. Together or apart, blended, two lives merged way from the start.
So what happens when you break the thread, or force them to part?
When you cut the umbilical cord?
No air, ventilation on hold, and as I enter that vague place, your face is all I see, fading ,fading, out .
Left alone, to wonder how it all happened, how you left no signs, how i never saw the ending but still thought it could.
Running in opposite directions, wishing the other is looking back. How do you expect me to understand.. That I gave you all i have, popped my heart and drained it out.. to make you smile, to make you smile.
And I've become an expert at pretending, playing along, are you ok? yes I am, push a cheek up, plant a grin, cross fingers hoping it worked. I bottled you inside, mixed you with a secret potion. A secret recipe, full with anger, memories, and confusion.
And I'm ashamed to ask out loud, but when I'm alone I wonder do I still? If not then, why do I still feel trapped , consumed by a cold halo. I'm bare naked , but I'm dressed in a cocoon of your shadow. I try to shed it , to break or smash it..step on it , destroy it , poison it.. mission fail.
I need to escape your name, your days, desperately looking for the fire exit door. Because the flames are not turning into ash, and I'm starting to get bothered from the heat.. and I wonder, is it wise to run away. Maybe I should let it burn. I remain. It nibbles on my skin, devours my soul. Turn me into dust, sprinkle me across, because Its the only way I will be reborn.
Thats the best idea. Judgement clouded, eyes red, I decide, I need a new heart.